A feather floats past in a dream
cloudy far away content to blow
no rain chooses this day to spray
while some heather upon a branch nearby
watches passively unlike her normal self
who would be constantly moving
to her own song
untouched by the wind
she goes where she will
even as she feels the tugging breeze
begging her to bend
she stands as she does
stronger than she knows
withstanding all that come unwelcome
perhaps too well at times
and yet frisky as a child
she is one often too
prancing merrily along in tune
to the music that dances out
of the path she beats
following her rather than her following it
with some deliberation she starts to walk
faster and taller until she flies
screaming some past fears away
banished to a prison deep
unable to return they shrivel away
and she becomes golden
as she soars
nearer to the sun than Icarus
but wiser than wax she succeeds
in knowing herself better
and becoming
her own dream
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