How I might taste you
in each curve of your being
entwined below each fastening
that I breath apart with my patience
cherishing you longer than any could last
I find some deep meaning in your kiss
and there I know tranquility that gives
your new light to a forgotten day
beholding you naked in form
I gasp at my reaction deep
as you unfurl your beauty
and lay yourself open
With eyes of disbelief
at last alone in darkness
that is warmed by a glowing
that touches candles into flame
and quenches raging fires
that have burned a thousand years
to know the taste of your sweet kiss
and suckle the wisdom that flows
from every pore of your being
into every crevasse of my heart
that is open to love you
Fly in to this circle my angel
and see this place to lay your head
in this honey field of golden laughter
that I've prepared for your blessing
where I have labored long to make
myself a better man so that you
can finally fly free and be you
the you I long to see dancing
across the body of a rainbow
into the sunset upon ocean
where God has called you
to be his Goddess sweet
Come into bloom with your soul open
to be touched with every sweetness
and told a thousand evenings
you are the one I have known
would someday bless my shores
without crashing upon my beach
but only walk upon water
that kisses your feet
and says your name
that I love to hear
Be my sweet lover some night
for as long as you care to stay
in my open arms and hands
that long to wash your cares
and kiss each one of them away
making a pillow of hearts
perfectly suited to you
because I have watched you
and know the way you move
and how you love to lay
Then let me just gaze
at your loving image
as you sleep in silken covers
ruffled by a warm gentle breeze
blowing across your fine form
as I protect you from hiding
any longer in a dark cage
because I have freed you
to be yourself in full
by freeing myself
and loving you
Watercolor: Steve Hanks
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