Astonished by today's weaving
I find music in the air twirling
singing my song and yours together
as separate melodies combined
A note from your world leaks
into the softest corner of mine
and tickles my imagination
in wonderment of what could be
I know no bounds today as I fly
above the darkest moments ever
they are gone in a flash of recognition
as I remember the score I wrote before
without ever knowing it would come
behind that veil so lovingly blinded
a curve ahead without warning
unwinds forgotten splendor now
gasping for my breath, effortlessly
humbled and mystified
I turn around and tomorrow arrives
a new moment unfurls itself at my feet
where I see a rainbow gradient backward
upside down if you could really know
inverted in time to find itself unplugged
but at least the color is perfect
and my imagination bends again
as some car comes off the rail
and flies across its chosen abyss
leaving the ground and everything behind
it was long ago just this moment
that I came to understand you as friend
and again I clutch my chest in wonder
how could no time have taken so long
and just like a mother's labor
emerging as a child
in joy and pain
so today we are born again
just another knot in the fabric
tipping my hat as you curtsy
locked in a perfect dance
that never ends
Photo Credit: Lynsey Stone
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