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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tapestry Weaver and woven thread

Woven are we here, into and out of this tapestry of evermore. Entwined in love and fear. Bursting at the seams it seems to expand or contract, to be more or less, free or enslaved. Always surging in opposite directions, in perfect balance, like the sea, seeking its level but never still. Tugging sometimes too hard, we break, and in that opening a new passageway is born, full of darkness and light. Shimmering like you, who are like me, unalone and yet separate too. Collectively we make a song of light that speaks the name of God to some, nature to others, and truth to a few. But the few are many and the many are few. Some are like you, including you yourself at times. But at others we merge together into one, when we are loving enough to let our hearts be joined. That is when we see. That is when we rise above our threadly roles, tied in knots to one idea or another, and see a small part of the whole. Smiling as we cry joyfully in our astounded wonder at what we have woven. Can it be so simply true. Can't we remain a joy giving flower in the garden we are growing even after we've seen the greater expanse of ourselves and know our true nameless name? Must we uproot ourselves, wilt, and die. Or can't we remain content to be both. That question haunts me and my echo when she speaks. I like the idea of pausing here and being alive somewhere else, at the same "time". And I wonder if it isn't true that's exactly how I've managed to sometimes glimpse myself as someone else in my truth filled dreams. Am I not here and there. Am I not me and you. I think I know, and so do you, when we do not doubt. When we question with an ear turned toward the answer, that always comes, and do not demand it be in a given way. So in this sweet and sour morning which is also night, and this winter which is also summer, I embrace you. Smiling I say, you are loved, for you are me, and you love yourself, as I love you, even if we don't know it, or forget. I will be the river sometimes that gladly carries your leaf where it may want to go, and whether or not you want to return the favor, I know you will, for it is your nature.

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