Hope you enjoy. Much love to each of you ♥♥♥ Click on images for an enlarged view.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How I Do Love You

How I love these sweet creatures that soar and slither and walk and crawl and talk and groan and uplift and annoy my world. How I love you. Despite myself I do. Sometimes with tears flowing in my eyes, as I realize it is true. Overflowing in your joy sometimes to the point where you paint your loud and screaming voice across the night while I sleep so that I awaken to find your footprints everywhere I look, standing all over my favorite flowers. And in the deafening rumble you make I cannot pull my pillow tightly enough across my head to muffle you out. And a little voice that grows too strong sometimes condemns the way you behave, I know it is but a reflection of me. And I know you are alive and sweet. And I cannot help but love you in your unique way. In your giving even when it is only to get, I find compassion swelling in my heart as you warm my day with your very existence. For a see myself in you and you in me. And as I do I can remove the me and you and see the one. The one that is. I know we are that with each reflection. I pause too seldom to recognize your face. To see your face and care to be sure it is smiling. To kiss the ground that you walk upon just like me and all of we. You are just like those I love so much I would die to give them a place to stand higher. I know your heart can grow just as cold as mine and yet never snuff out the last ember, always able to rekindle itself into a blazing flame that warms the night until it bursts into dawn singing in praise. And I just want you to know that you are loved. Even when I cannot say it with words or hugs or smiles, my heart is always singing it somewhere far away, or in moments like this close at hand. But you are loved and you should know it is true. Because I love you. How I truly do.

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