Hope you enjoy. Much love to each of you ♥♥♥ Click on images for an enlarged view.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Where You Flow Into Me

In my brother's heart
and my sister's too
I see reflected
a world of love
hidden in unspoken words
entwined together
in this fabric divine
and breathless am I
when I recognize you
so sweetly glowing there
curiously wondering
wandering like me
we stand upon a thread
so thin in its silken way
but it spreads as wide
as we wish to walk
and turns where we go
though we sometimes think
that we are following it
to some horizon that never comes
for already are we there arrived
breathed into life by intention
dressed in the ribbons we wear
the breeze blowing gracefully
billowing our sails so sweetly
following our hearts without care
or sometimes in glorious hesitation
we dance our spiraling way
close enough to touch
but far enough to reach
sometimes tasting the wind
sometimes being it too
and finding communion
where we are joined
eternally in bliss
with a bond
that cannot break
because it is forged
beyond the edge of time
where you flow into me
for we are
what each other will become
or have already been

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