Hope you enjoy. Much love to each of you ♥♥♥ Click on images for an enlarged view.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Full of Hope

With tears
you carry on
the baggage which
was never yours to own

shedding them now
you feel a core believe slip
and moved to the center of self
you gasp at what you are

at what you are and have been
more complete than morning light
but in a way closed behind a door
that you yourself did shut

bury not the fear you held
but rather let it fly free
beyond the mountain tops
let it soar forever more

no longer in your pocket
which is lined with golden rainbows
never seen before this moment
never seen in their full glory

but now eyes washed clean
let the tears give way
or choose to stay
if you are not done

but be done soon
for the quaking in your heart
is only really you begging to be born
wanting to taste the light of this day

and knowing where to stand
is not the matter once you thought it to be
like Dorothy in ruby slippers are you
yet look at how you dare not click them

So yes I see through that waterfall in you
I comprehend the message spinning on your tongue
and I wonder full of hope
for what you have begun

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