Hope you enjoy. Much love to each of you ♥♥♥ Click on images for an enlarged view.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

In Your Sweet Light He Glows

In your sweet light he glows
floating upon the wisdom you know
planted there by your own loving intention
for you can see beyond his ice capped shield
the shield worn against his unimaginable freedom
being unable to see himself guiding of his own ship
thinking he dare not dream himself out of his shadow
unable to loosen his lips and declare himself to free
but you watch in tranquility the river he has carved
unfurls its destruction as it always must and will do
peaceful with whatever it is as it comes to be full
and through your heart is how I can now see
from this place of peace at riverside
watching inspiration flow open
seeing how we can be
when we allow
to be

And so
I wish for you
a brighter day that
I know has already come
I see you standing in it now
and I take pause to recognize
this beautiful moment you have
wrought of your own hands
this gift to yourself
watching it

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