Behold your own glory in this precious perfect moment
Behold the place you are
in all its undulating beauty
Allow the breeze of your own making
to flow across the field of your being
and toss you too and fro
For you placed it just there
in order to feel something
so be sure to know it
and feel it before you leave
Where you stand
hand in hand or alone
be there in yourself
present in the moment as it is
to find your footing as it is
Know that the green pasture
you see afar and desire to drink
is not but a glimmering oasis
do not make yourself thirsty
simply by not drinking of
the abundance you already stand in
Be careful that your desire to change
and steer a new course into a better dream
is not rooting only in the fact
of your unwillingness to truly see
the high ground upon which you may already stand
even when you are sinking to the neck
in the quicksand of your self imposed suffering
Meaning to me stand tall and open
drinking into yourself what is offered
as your dream awaits your participation
rather than disbelieving what could be
never realizing it already is
if only you would open your eyes to see
So before you jump yet again
as is your wondering and restless way
be aware of where you are now
before you set sail to a new harbor
where you will only miss meeting yourself again
Shake your own hand goodbye
looking into your own loving eyes
accepting all you have made yourself to be
before you turn away to a new day
Only in knowing yourself
and loving yourself truly complete
can you find what you have come to see
So as the night turns cold or warm
as you prepare for the season's change
Behold your own glory in this precious perfect moment
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