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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Glow of Night

By the glow of night I see
so well in that quieter tone
smothered in velvet lacely swirls
all the wonder that escapes my notice
in the overabundance of day
when I hear only the echo
of my own heart beating
only the sound of my footsteps
only the gentle swoosh of the river
carrying away and delivering my dreams
when my thoughts drift to those I love
and in that cloud of wonder
I see your face
in the glassy reflection
that always moves
even as you seem to sleep
in the sky that crackles electric
saying a part of your endless name
such great power waiting in silence
suckling humanity for another day
it is in your honor that I stand now
contemplating my possibilities
and feeling your blood in my veins
and your heart coursing through my soul

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