In the afterbirth you float
just some days past your circle's crossing
again somehow there comes a shadow
upon your golden path much like a child just born
as you yourself were born again today
out of a warm womb's caress into a world
much colder with harsh lights and sharp sounds
Easily it happens to forget the remembering
and here you sit without description
you call to be known and loved
hoping some mother might find arms
to embrace your beating heart
and deliver the prayer's promise you desire
snatching you away from the threatening doom
and delivering you again into the land of kisses
where you belong to your whole self again
So here we are with you who never left
always more than at your side we are within you
woven in some way a thousand time within every strand
and here we stand together all at last forever
if only you can feel the blood that courses
through you heart out to your limbs
you'll feel the raindrops that we are
smothering your fear and animating your sweetest dreams
But here you sit
at the crossroads of your own tender contemplation
only does the sky fall to remind you of your own fear
or sag when your fear calls it to strangle you again
But you can lift
up your eyes and see the truth that shimmers clear
free for the taking as you wander not alone but together as one
But that's the choice to make
and in our prayers you might find hope
and in your hope you might find the way
the way that is yours to have always and forever
just by clicking together your ruby slippers
give yourself permission to be free
you can fly again
in the love
we have
for you
Watercolor: Steve Hanks
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