With steadily trembling hands you shake
as you draw your life into our books
walking out of your mystery into our mist
dawning like the sunshine's kiss upon cold shores
you warm our hearts and sustain what is us
And we tremble too at the thought
that just like you our vision has been thin
only now coming into focus
as we draw you within our reach too
we warm your heart and sustain what is you
Drawing ourselves into being as we do
every moment as our leafs spin and bob
upon the river that is us together
emerging from our mutual loving fog
into the brighter morning we will bless
And now in strangely tear filled eyes
joyous at the coming sunset
that will close the door of yesterday's promise
giving consideration to tomorrow's gestation
of the vision of us joining each other's lives as one
Drawing: M.C. Escher (of course)
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