Hope you enjoy. Much love to each of you ♥♥♥ Click on images for an enlarged view.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Until You Imagine It Again

In the tick of time
that slogs around nothing
and flows nowhere it shouldn't be
comes a confused understanding of nothing
the nothing of what it is to be time
and timeless
to hear the hissing it brings
and takes
for herein unfold the cards
the script of potentials
the aboundment of possibilities
abutting the obstacles of infinity
while flowing without restraint
in the swirling illusion of confusion
turned face up for the first and last time
though nothing has changed
yet they flip and chirp for attention
as if never noticed before
and the walkway becomes manifest
just as the believing foot step touches its existence
as they bring themselves mutually into being
miraculously with every heart beat
and then just as quickly
as a slow eon's retreat
it evaporates into nothing
whenever your attention is removed
and once again you are stardust
where there are no stars to shine
and no dust to coalesce into anything
until you imagine it again