Hope you enjoy. Much love to each of you ♥♥♥ Click on images for an enlarged view.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Softly Swirling Hearts

Softly swirling hearts
beating in tune to no time
I met you filtering through the mist
unshrouding slowly you seeped outward
into the light of a softly glowing day
hand outstretched cautiously
reaching through the looking glass
careful not to crush
that which is tender
hoping only to find
a common ground
upon which to stand
in glorious communion
knowing the same thing
as another for once
allowing it to linger
longer than a moment
calling this resonance
by the words of love
dammed as they might be
and equally unexpected
penetrated into the inner sanctum
inside the cleverly sealed walls
where virgin dunes do not extend
 and yet you found yourself there
entangled in my dream
and me in yours too
in gratitude
realizing in full
that every day is a Valentine
when you walk with an open heart
like the one we both share
in this moment
as it has always been
and always will be
I love you

1 comment:

  1. How absolutely magnificent! I hope to find a love like this someday.
