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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Where Your Life is Lived

In this land
of forbidden sun
where you alone cast
that shadow refusing to shine
open your heart this day and glow
in just the way you do always you know
stand before the mirror and smile this moment
in this moment that will never return and already has
departed gone already if you looked away to the past or
found some worry in the future to ponder it is surely gone
but it will return in a new way and with a new glow if you
will but open yourself to being there where it truly is
you will find the raindrop where your life is lived
and see the rainbow you create when you
allow the sun to shine through you
clearly and fully it expands
into a prism's fruition
making who you
are clear to

Photo: http://www.duskyswondersite.com/human-ingenuity-category/reflections-in-rain-drops/

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