Hope you enjoy. Much love to each of you ♥♥♥ Click on images for an enlarged view.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Into The Wind That Is You

Around this corner I see you
All of you
Looking back
Looking forward
At me
And me at you
And us at we
We kiss with our eyes without touching
Sometimes touching without kissing
Sometimes seeing without looking
Wondering no more
Because the answer has become clear
Both of us watching the same sunset
Both of us all in the many we appear to be
Seeing the same sunset that is never the same
Do you see my name written upon your heart
Like your names are written upon mine
Reflected in my morning mirror
Before the sleep has left my eyes
While they are still closed so that I can see
I am not woven into your heart
I float there in the void
Between the sheets
Separated by a molecule
So small you cannot even feel me watching
Spraying a cascade of waterfalls that is you
Reflected back to yourself in me
And me in you
And us in we
A rainbow of possibilities
Glimmering under the full moon rising
Jumping across the abyss
No longer afraid of that great depth
The floor seems closer now
As if only our fear ever separated us
From our own self
From your own self
The pretty game's magic unfolding
You look at the sharp edge and see it grow ethereal
No longer holding you in restraint
You walk upon water
And through the solid open wall
In your hands the shimmering key pulsates
Something beacons you to let it go free
Let it shine through the dark of your unknowing
Feel the edge of death soften as you see through that illusion
Fear at bay
No longer captive in the grip of your own hesitation
Released from the fabric to which you have clung
No longer swaddled
Your tears have dried
With no ladder to climb
And no will to look away
You levitate before the threshold now
I see you through the misty story
through the mystery
The earth opens below your feet
So that you may learn to walk on clouds
Your boat is anchored there
And has always been waiting
Ready for you to set sail
Ready for you to awaken
Knowing your path is etched
Into the palm of your own hand
In the sand where you built this castle
Beyond the reach of the tsunami
That covered you at birth
Leaving you breathless
Under an ocean of fear
But that tide has washed away
So that you may finally
Awaken child and sing
Without words
Into the wind
That is you